- He started his social life in 1979 as the All Assam Student Union (AASU) activist of the Kakapather Anchalik Committee.
- From 1979-87 he worked in different posts in the All Dibrugarh District (undivided) Student Union & Tinsukia District Student Union.
- In 1987 he became a Central Executive Member of the All Assam Student Union. He worked as finance secretary & Vice President of the AASU Central Executive Committee.
- In the year 1992, he became Member Secretary of the National Student Coordination Committee and worked in this post till 1994. This organization was formed comprised of the All Assam Student Union, Sikh Student Federation, All Arunachal Pradesh Student Union, Naga Student Federation, Mizo Zirloipoul,Tribal Student Federation of Tripura, All Manipur Student Union, Khasi Student Union, Uttarakhand Mahasabha, Uttarakhand Student Front & Panther Student Organization, Jammu & Kashmir.
- The said organization worked for restructuring of the Indian Constitution and mobilized public opinion in favor of a strong federal structure of the Union of India along with all regional student organizations of the country.
- From 1991 to 1995 he worked against violation of human rights.